Category "Image posts"


Playing activities at The Green Public School play a crucial role in the overall development of its students. The school places a strong emphasis on physical fitness and holistic education. Students are encouraged to participate in a wide range of sports and recreational activities.

The school boasts well-maintained sports facilities, including playing fields, courts, and gymnasiums. These facilities provide students with the opportunity to engage in various sports such as football, basketball, cricket, tennis, and athletics.

The Green Public School’s sports program is not only about competition but also about instilling essential values like teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship. Students receive training from experienced coaches who nurture their skills and potential.

The school regularly organizes inter-school tournaments and sports events, allowing students to showcase their talent and compete with peers from other institutions. These activities not only promote physical fitness but also foster a sense of camaraderie among students.

In summary, playing activities at The Green Public School contribute to the all-round development of its students, promoting a healthy lifestyle, teamwork, and a spirit of healthy competition.


The G20 activity at The Green Public School was an exceptional showcase of global awareness and collaboration among our students. This unique event aimed to simulate the proceedings of the G20 summit, where student-delegates from various classes represented different countries and discussed pressing global issues.

During the G20 activity, students engaged in dynamic debates, negotiations, and resolutions on a wide range of topics, from climate change and sustainable development to economic stability and international cooperation. They researched their assigned countries’ positions, negotiated with fellow delegates, and crafted solutions to address complex global challenges.

This activity not only fostered an understanding of global affairs but also honed critical skills such as diplomacy, negotiation, and public speaking. It encouraged our students to think beyond their immediate surroundings and consider the interconnectedness of the world.

The G20 activity at The Green Public School was a testament to our commitment to holistic education, preparing our students not only for academic excellence but also for becoming informed and responsible global citizens. It reinforced the values of collaboration, empathy, and problem-solving, equipping our students with the tools they need to contribute positively to a rapidly changing world.